Education 🏫 :

  • University of Trento🧑‍🔬:Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering

    2015 - 2018

    All courses were taught in English
  • University of Trento📚:Bachelor's degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

    2011 - 2015

    All courses were taught in Italian

Informatic skills and knowledge 💾 💽 🖥️:

Programming Languages


  • Modern C++: I am using it for my daily job, from GUI development to computer vision and image processing algorithms
  • Python: I am mostly using it for the development of algorithm prototypes

Basic experience

  • C: programming basic interface to libraries developed in C languange or basic programs

Interests and curiosity

  • Front-end Internet technologies: css3, html5, js. Development of this website (Nextjs) and past projects
  • Rust: Until now development of simple programs
  • Julia: basic image processing
  • Halide: I am learning it in order to introduced it in my daily job
  • GLSL: basic shading stuff
  • Pytorch: development of various deep learning algorithm
  • Kornia: development of various image processing algorithm
  • Haskell: still learning 😀
  • Various random stuff about geometric algebra, to apply it to image processing

Used in past

  • PHP: I used it during the development of the back-end of an online shop and user management of a beer shop (no more online)
  • Java: I used it at university for simulating a distributed system
  • Matlab: I used it for all scripts developed during my thesis work
  • Fortran: I used it in a course at university for simulating electromagnetic stuff
  • VHDL: I used it at university to develop some circuit
  • LaTex: I used it to write both thesis